In recent years, foreign language programs have disappeared from American schools at unprecedented rates. Globally-focused classes are of fundamental importance to students of every age, and their removal is a disservice to the United States as a whole. Restoring cultural enrichment programs faces several obstacles. Increased emphasis on standardized testing causes schools to cut “unnecessary” programs from the curriculum because they do not appear on the exam. This intense focus on scores causes students to see cultural learning as a means to an end rather than an enriching experience in its own right. Many students never develop a passion for cultural learning due to simple lack of exposure. Furthermore, fundamental misunderstandings about the acquisition process discourage potential learners who don’t think they can learn a new language. All these environmental factors contribute to a society that, despite its diversity, tolerates and even promotes cultural homogenization. In this way, the United States sets itself up for failure because it disregards what could be considered its greatest asset. The linguistic diversity that gives America life is both underappreciated and underused, but unlocking its potential could generate significant ripple effects in the United States and beyond.